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Peyronie's Disease

Peyronie's Disease

Peyronie's Disease services offered in West Los Angeles, Los Angeles and Redondo Beach, CA

Up to one in 11 men have Peyronie’s disease, a condition characterized by an abnormal bend in the penis. At Adonis Men's Sexual Health Center in West Los Angeles and Redondo Beach, California, men’s sexual health physician Faisal Ahmed, MD, specializes in diagnosing and treating Peyronie’s disease. He takes a minimally invasive approach that relieves symptoms and improves sexual prowess. Call the nearest Adonis Men’s Sexual Health Center office to schedule Peyronie’s disease treatment, or book your appointment online today.

Peyronie's Disease Q&A

Do I have Peyronie’s disease if my penis curves to the side?

Not always. Most men don’t have perfectly straight erections, so a curve doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem. But if you have pain during intercourse or feel self-conscious about your penis’ appearance, don’t wait to contact Adonis Men’s Sexual Health Center.

Peyronie’s disease causes scar tissue to form in your penis, affecting the length and appearance of your erections. This scar tissue can be felt beneath your skin and triggers pain in specific areas.

What are the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie’s disease symptoms include:

  • A loss of penis length
  • Painful erections
  • Softer erections
  • Difficulty having sex
  • Lumps in your penis
  • Loss of girth in the shaft of your penis

Peyronie’s disease affects everyone differently. For some men, it develops slowly over an extended period, but for others, it occurs quickly, resulting in painful sex.

How is Peyronie’s disease diagnosed?

Your Adonis Men’s Sexual Health Center provider asks about your symptoms, including when you first noticed the curve in your penis and if having sex is painful or difficult. Answering these questions might seem embarrassing, but it’s important you’re open and honest. Your responses provide key information and help your provider determine the best treatment approach.

Your provider completes a physical exam, gently feeling the shaft of your penis for scar tissue and other abnormalities. They might also administer an injection to cause an erection. This lets them assess the strength of your erections and allows them to see the direction of the bend or curve.

Your provider completes a Doppler ultrasound if a physical exam doesn’t provide enough insight. This imaging procedure reveals scarring in your penis and helps rule out other problems, like calcium buildup and poor circulation.

How is Peyronie’s disease treated?

Adonis Men’s Sexual Health Center offers several types of Peyronie’s disease treatment, including:

  • Traction therapy to increase erection hardness and restore lost length
  • Collagenase injections to breakdown scar tissue
  • Blood pressure medication to reduce pain and curvature in your penis
  • Oral erectile dysfunction drugs to increase blood flow to your penis

Your provider might recommend surgery if you have severe Peyronie’s disease and your symptoms make it difficult or impossible to have sex. 

Call the nearest Adonis Men’s Sexual Health Center office to schedule Peyronie’s disease treatment, or book your appointment online today.