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Vasectomy services offered in West Los Angeles, Los Angeles and Redondo Beach, CA

Consider a vasectomy if you’re sexually active and don’t want to risk a pregnancy. At Adonis Men’s Sexual Health Center in West Los Angeles and Redondo Beach, California, men’s sexual health physician Faisal Ahmed, MD, has more than 10 years of experience performing minimally invasive vasectomy procedures. Call the nearest office to schedule a vasectomy consultation, or book your appointment online today.

Vasectomy Q&A

Can a vasectomy prevent an unwanted pregnancy?

Yes. Vasectomy is a male birth control procedure that stops sperm from coming into contact with semen. It involves your Adonis Men’s Sexual Health Center provider cutting and sealing the tubes that carry sperm from your testicles. 

Vasectomy is a quick, pain-free procedure. However, the results are permanent, so before agreeing to have one, you should be sure that you’re done having children. 

Does vasectomy protect against sexually transmitted infections?

Vasectomy is safe and almost 100% effective at preventing pregnancy, but it doesn’t protect you from sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, if you sleep with more than one person, it’s important to use a form of barrier birth control, like condoms, to protect yourself and your partners.

How do I prepare for a vasectomy?

Before your vasectomy, your Adonis Men’s Sexual Health Center provider asks about your treatment goals and completes a physical exam. 

Let them know if you take prescription medication or have an underlying medical condition, like high blood pressure (hypertension). Certain classes of drugs and health problems increase the risk of surgical complications, so it’s important that they’re aware. You might need to fast or stop taking medication in the hours leading up to your procedure.

What happens during a vasectomy?

A vasectomy is an outpatient procedure that occurs under local anesthesia. The operation occurs at a local hospital or surgical facility.

Your Adonis Men’s Sexual Health Center provider administers a local anesthetic, numbing your scrotum. Then, they make a small incision or puncture in the top of your scrotum and locate the vas deferens –– a tube that carries semen from your testicle. 

Your provider carefully pulls the vas deferens through the incision or punctures and clips it. They seal the vas deferens by cauterizing it with heat and then return it to your scrotum. Your provider closes the incisions and transfers you to a recovery suite. The entire procedure averages about 30 minutes.

What is recovery like after a vasectomy?

Recovery from a vasectomy takes about a week. During the first 48-72 hours, it’s normal to have swelling, bruising, and testicular pain. Get plenty of rest, take your medication as prescribed, and ice your scrotum several times daily. Wait to have sex for at least a week or until your provider says it’s ok.

Call Adonis Men’s Sexual Health Center to schedule a vasectomy consultation, or book an appointment online today.